Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Assignment 2: Portrait

Untitled I

Untitled II

Untitled III

Written Statement Part I

Untitled I:
     The composition for this photo is not constructed. We were laying in the sun when I decided to take photos of my friends from various perspectives. This image turned out most successful.
     My concept was intimacy because they are two close friends. I wanted to capture a sense of comfort between the photographer and the subjects. That may not be very successful in this photo. It seems that they are unaware that the photo is being taken. Their jewelry and bathing suits capture their expression through attire. I learned about the angles photographs can be shot from, got more comfortable with aperture settings, and allowing the focus of a portrait not to be a face. 
     There was no constructed method in taking this photo. I was lucky that it was a bright day and that I had friends that allowed me to photograph them for the weekend. I guess I observed my environment and decided the two of them lying next to each other would make a good portrait. My motivations for this image were to capture a moment of relaxation. We were doing something we loved to do-be together and be in the sun, so my intent was to convey solace. 
     The context of my work speaks specifically to the culture of young adult women in America. Almost all of the women my age like to tan in the sun and be with friends, which is shown in the photograph. Their choice of bathing suit style, jewelry, and sunglasses trend with current styles, so it puts the viewer in present day.

Untitled II:
     Perspective, framing, and lighting are what make this composition. The perspective is from above the bed and the frame includes the whole bed, their bodies, and part of the night stand. It is a little off center and out of focus, which is slightly acceptable for this photo because the content and patterns are interesting enough. The light is coming from a side window.
     The concept goes along with the comfort and relaxation mood of the last photo. For this image it is their positions and their feet dangling off the bed that give a lot of expression.  The quilt has a lot of expression, which, alongside their feet, make the photo have a silly characteristic.
     This photo's method of construction was observing my environment. I woke up much earlier than they did, so while they were sleeping I took numerous photos until it eventually woke them up. I had to set a long shutter speed because it was pretty dark in the room.
     My motivation for this image is the same as the  last photo; which is to capture the girls in a relaxed, comfortable atmosphere. It was goofy taking the photographs, so I'm satisfied that the photo gives a humorous nature.
     Unfortunately I can't think of any deeper context for the photo. It has a shallow surface when it comes to more complex meaning. I'd compare this photo to that of a photographer who does humorous and expressive and non constructed work.

Untitled III:
     For the composition I framed my profile, zoomed in on my chin so that it would be the focus. It is emphasized with the lighting.
     The concept is for personal growth. I focused on an insecurity-my chin-and showed it at an angle I rarely see, my profile. I don't think many people like seeing portraits of themselves from the side because they are not used to seeing themselves that way. This photo shoot was a way of getting used to a part of me I am uncomfortable with. 
     The method I used was using the self timer, having the camera on the tripod and taking tons of photos. I stood next to a window during the day so I could get good lighting. I repositioned the camera and myself to try different lighting angles until the right one fit. 
     My motivations were the same as my concept, which was to photograph and insecurity about myself until I began to accept it as part of me.
    The context is psychological as a sort of therapy to lead to self acceptance.

Part II

Untitled I: Others interpreted the image as very familiar, relatable, and subtly portraying popular culture with the way the girls are dressed and their activity. The composition is working, I wouldn't change anything about this photo. It is my favorite of all the photos . The photo can be a jumping off point for popular young adult leisure, which is very relatable and recognizable and fun. I loved taking pictures at the cottage.

Untitled II: This image was interpreted as very playful, fun, and again familiar. The composition is pretty strong, classmates liked the kind of off center camera angle, but I am bummed the focus is slightly fuzzy. The improvement I would make would be to have brightened up the room a little more and made sure the focus was crisp. A jumping point could be taking pictures of other people in their sleep and in their own bed, with or without a significant other or a friend. Body posture says so much about a person as well as the intimacy of a bed.

Untitled III: I guess i don't know how others interpreted this image because i explained it before people commented. And it is a personal concept so I don't know if many assumed it was about insecurities about my chin. I guess to clarify that that is what it is about I could have made the background completely black or white. The lighting is most successful in the photo. A jumping point could be letting people take pictures of their own insecure places on their body.

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