Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Final Project Concept

     The idea for my final project is to capture an expression and emotion before death. There are thousands of ways to die...I haven't decided exactly how to portray this and in which ways it will happen. Some ideas are drowning, poison, dying in a hospital bed, getting hit by a car....
     I haven't decided what the mood is going to be, if it will be peaceful, scary....whether or not you know that they are going to die or if there is a chance the person will be saved.
     Let me know thoughts or ideas, I don't have any images yet.


  1. whose perspective will it be from??? the subject?

  2. I am absolutely obsessed with this idea.
    I think every person should have a different interpretation of death...maybe ask the model what he/she thinks they will feel before death. I think asking them will enhance and help you reflect on how to create this series.

  3. I think it would be interesting to be looking down at the subject so that the viewer feels more anxious and wants to save the person that is about to die. I feel like they could be similar to film stills so maybe think of it that way?

  4. Death is such a personal "thing" and yet we all will face it some day, we all know someone who as died, we as humans live mutually with death. I think it would be great to show death as death as the emotion as the event as the time. Not death as in a scene, i.e someone laying in a hospital bed, or someone laying on the top of a car hood, etc. But rather have someone stand in front of the sun, you lay on your back and capture them with no background being drowned by sunglight so it looks as though they are leaving, going home, in heaven, peaceful, etc.

  5. This idea is somewhat eerie to me, however I think that there are some great ideas here! Photos from above could be as if the viewer is watching from heaven, hoping to help them. Where as photos from the perspective of the subject, with part of their body in the photo could be more personable and emotional to the viewer.
