Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Work In Progress Critique

1 comment:

  1. Hi :)
    Ok so here is my critique for your work...I want to start with my two favorites.
    The third from the top and the bottom one are my two absolute favorites.
    Third from Top: I love the emphasis of focus in this picture. There is so much blur and so much soft focus forcing the objects in focus to be sharp intense and extremely pleasing to the eye. I mean I honestly have no idea what I am doing technically haha but I have been playing around with contrast a lot lately and I think maybe looking into that would be kind of cool for this photo.
    Bottom: This is absolutely brilliant. I have an addiction for shapes haha so that probably has a lot to do with my over the top reaction to this picture. But if you don't print this one off I will :) I love the stark contrast between the shadows and the floor. I am obsessed with the slight tilt of the camera. And lastly I love that you are able to see what is casting the shadows. My eyes are drawn to everything in this image in a great way. While the photo is busy I think it works.
    The other three: I think the other three are strong as well but those two really popped. The second from bottom fence photo is definitely a contender as well. I almost feel like the other two are a tad bland compared to what the others are bringing to the table :)
