Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Assignment 4: Popular Culture

*Idea recreated from Go Green USA postage stamps

Written Statement Part I:
     I am going to write about these photos all together, because I decided my final images would be from one prompt and create a series. I got the idea from postage stamps I bought a bit ago that promoted a green lifestyle to help keep earth healthy. It was part of the Go Green USA campaign. Each stamp gave a tip on how to reduce our environmental footprint. The goal of the stamps was to show how much one person can do to make a positive impact on the environment, and they are pretty easy adjustments to your lifestyle. I recreated this idea and brought the cartoon post stamps to life. I thought text was necessary within the photo to make the concept more clear. I also played with the hue and saturation of the photos to make them more green and have a more similar color palate. The images are about helping the environment. I think this is a strong subject in art right now, or at least it was not very long ago. The artists I know do a good job at living an environmentally friendly lifestyle by reusing a lot and finding objects or ideas among peoples trash, or unwanted items. That is so important. I've met people from other countries who say the poor man in America is a rich man in their country. That is extreme, but I see what is meant by this because so much is wasted and thrown away. That is one thing I have learned through art classes at MSU. You can find a use for almost anything. I've gone off topic but maybe that can be a jumping off point-to dig through trash and create things through others unwanted items and document it. 
The idea comes across strong for these photos, it would have been nice to have a model to pose for the walking photo and the turn off the lights photo. I probably would have put a figure in the recycle and laundry photo.  
     I didn't do a part II because I wasn't in class for this critique, but in part I I briefly explained a jump off point for the project and some negative and positive parts of the final images. 

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