Sunday, June 19, 2011

Blog Prompts Week 5 #22-24

22. Wow that's pretty incredible work. I love his ideas and seeing the behind the scenes team and how much effort, work, work and time it takes. I'm a bit confused about it though. I don't understand what the difference is between a 3d team and a regular set design team is so I will have to re watch the video and look further into it.

23. Construction: We construct our identity whether we know it or least idea because i always strive to e like someone, instead of just focusing on myself. Personal and social environments are constructed through human interaction and influence on each other and people with money. In my life, what is real is my relationship with my closest friends and family. What is fake is facebook. That is the first thing that came to mind at least.  An idea for a miniature still life would be to create a mini home, like the size of a doll house, maybe a little bigger. But I would love to design a mini dream house. I enjoy architecture and set design.

24. the plan for the self purposed project is about evolving self and working through emotions. A search for inner peace and happiness. The beginning photos will show how far away that seems, by the end they will seem peaceful. there will not be an event that makes this happen it is the inner workings of the subjects mind that are being visually represented.

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