Sunday, June 12, 2011

Blog Prompts Week 4 #19-21

#19 Can you think of anything that:

1) should not be photographed? Why?
I think everything should be able to be photographed.

2) cannot be photographed? Why?
Exact replications of the past. I’m also starting to believe it is impossible to create a photo that is not influenced by the photographer; which makes art more of an art form to me than it used to be.

3) you do not want to photograph? Why?
Two dimensional objects because there in no depth and no point.

#20 Describe at least one photograph that you could take for each of the following "place" prompts.

• An image of a synthetic “place” such as Disney World, Las Vegas, a Hollywood set, a diorama, etc.
It would be humorous to take pictures of crying children in such a happy place as Disney World. But I would love to take pictures of the super excited kids. Capture their excitement and happiness. I’d also like to take pictures of the happy parents because you’d be surprised that some parents get just as excited and giddy as the children do when they arrive at Disney World.
• An image of a fantasy/fictitious environment concocted from your imagination.
I’ve been listening to a lot of music and thinking of ways to compose a photograph to represent the song. I think I would do that if the prompt was to create a fictitious environment.
• An image of a placeless space such as the Internet, cell phones, e-mail, e-bank, surveillance, etc.
Hmmmm I’d probably construct a photo of the old ways of communication. Have a man riding a horse with a bag of mail in a large bag. Show people writing letters, people researching through books, communicating face to face. Visually show what is going on with no technology. It would be interesting to have a prompt be online chatting. Have two people communicating via the internet and photograph their posture, what they are wearing and their face expressions. Then take the photographs and edit out the computer and have the two photos of the people so they are face to face. You’d probably never guess that they were having a communication.
• An image of a public space.
Many options for that. I would show human activity or make sure there are clues that a human has been in that place. Whether it be litter, Writing, art work, footprints in the sand, tire marks…
• An image of a private space.
I would photograph something the viewer can not relate to or a place that is unfamiliar to the viewer.
• An in-between space that brings to mind one of the following ideas: nomadic lifestyles, displacement, rootlessness, out-of-placeness, boundaries, movement, expansion, etc.
I would try to document unfamiliar cultures.

A. Describe some common aesthetic aspects of “news”-related photographs.
The excitement of something new, being in the know, capturing a real moment and feeling a sense of connect or disconnect, drama, capturing what you shouldn’t see

B. Describe some common aesthetic aspects of “snapshots”, including family photographs, cell-phone shots, photos posted to facebook,
Familiarity, closeness, memories, looking your best, documentation

C. Describe some common aesthetic aspects of advertisement photographs, including fashion photography, product photography, etc
Fake, making whatever you are photographing look as appealing as possible, or unappealing…depending on what the objective of the photograph is. Set up, planned out, creative.

D. Describe some common aesthetic aspects of film/movie and television stills.
Different perspective, frozen moment, behind the scenes, making entertainment into art, putting a new spin on the photo, second guessing

E. Describe some common aesthetic aspects of yearbook photos, senior pictures, and team/club/sports group shots.
Repetitiveness, visualizing growth, memories, pride, constructed lighting

F. Describe some common aesthetic aspects of stock images.
I don’t see a theme to these images I’m confused…but they are aesthetically pleasing

G. Describe some common aesthetic aspects of fashion photography.
Beauty, avant-garde, color, creativity, acting, construction, showing off

H. Describe some common aesthetic aspects of paparazzi shots or celebrity photographs.
Gossip, in the know, beautiful people, interesting lives, personal, trying to make them seem like everyday people, or fantasizing their lifestyle and making the viewer wish they had it

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